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Why I am a Member of the Church of Christ

The late Leroy Brownlow published a book in 1945, Why I Am A Member of the Church of Christ. In just under 200 pages, bro. Brownlow lists and explains twenty five reasons he practices “undenominational” Christianity. The book is available in our church library and would benefit anyone who chose to read it.

Here are Brownlow’s twenty five reasons, which you will note consistently appeal to biblical authority.

  1. It was founded by the scriptural builder.
  2. It was founded on the scriptural foundation.
  3. It was founded at the scriptural place.
  4. It was founded at the scriptural time.
  5. Christ is the founder of only one church.
  6. It is scriptural in name.
  7. It is scriptural in organization.
  8. It has the Bible as its only creed, confession of faith, or church manual.
  9. It believes all of the Bible to be the inspired word of God.
  10. It believes the Bible is a book to be rightly divided.
  11. It is undenominational.
  12. It is scriptural in doing missionary work.
  13. It teaches the kingdom has been established and Christ is now reigning.
  14. It gives scriptural answers to the question, “What must I do to be saved?”
  15. It teaches that man is saved by faith but not by faith only.
  16. It teaches that man is saved by the blood of Christ.
  17. It teaches that a change of heart is indispensable to man’s salvation.
  18. Its teaching and practice concerning prayer.
  19. It teaches and administers scriptural baptism.
  20. It teaches that a child of God can so sin as to be eternally lost.
  21. It teaches that infants are born pure and innocent rather than depraved.
  22. It teaches that the miraculous manifestations of the Spirit have ceased.
  23. Its scriptural teaching and observance of the Lord’s Supper.
  24. It has scriptural music in worship.

Clay Leonard – Learn more about the Churches of Christ with this study.