If someone asks us this question, and they are “right on the money,” then we had better take a long, hard look at ourselves and our mental outlook. Whatever unpleasant experience we have had to endure, however we may have been mistreated, whatever disappointment we have had to cope with, there is no justification for being an unkind and bitter person.
Other people’s treatment of me really has nothing to do with my personal attitude. The same goes for the abundance of blessings that others might enjoy but are missing in my life. No, my attitude – whether I will be bitter or not be bitter – that is a matter of choice.
I cannot control every single circumstance that exists in my little part of the world, but I am responsible for controlling my disposition or outlook. I choose the attitude that I will demonstrate.
Be honest with yourself. Are you bitter about something from the past or present? Are you still holding a grudge about something that happened long ago? Are you still bitter against your parents because they refused to let you participate in certain activities when you were growing up? If you are carrying bitterness in your heart for these or other petty matters, then you need to get over it!
Repent of your bitter spirit, and lay it aside forever. Go to the one(s) against whom you have been so bitter, confess your wrong, and try, as much as possible, to make amends and be reconciled with them. Surely none of us wants to become a “bitter old man/woman.”
The truth is, there is no place for a Christian of any age to be eaten up with bitterness. Which would you rather do: go through life as a bitter person, or go to heaven? That is a serious choice, is it not? The crown of life awaits those that love the Lord out of a pure heart (James 1:12; 4:8). Such a heart has no room for bitterness in it.
– via The Northside Anchor, Calhoun, GA