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What no orchestra would allow, but many churches welcome!

Tuning to the Standard

For many years musicians would tune their instruments with a device called a tuning fork (the predecessor of the pith pipe and the new digital devices). The conductor of the orchestra or band would strike the tuning fork with his hand and let a clarinet player or violin player tune to the standard. Once the musician tuned his instrument to the tuning fork, the rest of the musicians would listen to that note and tune their instruments accordingly. Today, if you attend an orchestral performance (and you get there a little early), you may hear the piano player striking a note like “C” and all the musicians will listen, and then tune to that note (up or down).  In this process, do you realize the tuning fork was the standard of authority and, therefore, unity?

Can you imagine the unmusical results if the conductor said to his musicians: “For tonight’s performance, we will not be using a tuning fork. It will be our purpose to illustrate the beauty of individuality and diversity. You can find your own “C” according to your own desires, or tune to a neighbor if you like. We do not want anyone to be stifled or limited by authority of a single standard.” What do you think the performance would sound like? What would the reviews say?

But why not take these ideas of ‘no suppression from authority’ and ‘exaltation of individualism’ a little further?  Suppose the conductor says, “each one of you can play your favorite piece; ready, 1, 2, 3 . . .”  Go ahead – fire the conductor; let the musicians show up whenever they want to; let everyone play whatever instrument they want, whatever piece they like, in tune or out of tune; and let them start and finish whenever they desire.  If you let individualism prevail and authority die, do you know what results?  You have nothing left of any musical value. No authority, just unattractive chaos that nobody would want to hear. It would sound awful!

Yet this is exactly what we observe in modern religion today. There is resistance to Bible authority, praise for human plurality, unity in diversity and the growing deception that this is what God wants!

But this isn’t what God wants. Jesus prayed, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:20-21). Who can believe and teach that the division of denominationalism is sanctioned by our Lord?

– by Warren Berkley