Free Bible study!

We Are Taught to Teach Others! 

In 2 Timothy 2.1-2, Paul instructs Timothy on how to ensure that the truth would continue to be spread in their lifetime and beyond. He said, “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

It seems to me, that if the truth would spread in their time through teaching, that the same principle ought to work in our lives today. There are several things included in that principle that should be noted. First, Timothy was to “be strong.” You see, it takes a certain strength to teach other people the Gospel. Second, his strength was to be found “in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” In other words, his strength does not necessarily come from within himself, as some might expect; instead, it was to come from Christ and his relationship with Him. Third, Timothy was to have “heard” the Gospel through the preaching and teaching from Paul. The only way Timothy was able to know the truth was to hear it from Paul (who was divinely inspired). Fourth, Timothy was to commit the truth that he had learned to “faithful men” who could “teach others also.” And there we have the means by with the truth is communicated to others. We learn it ourselves, then we teach it to others, and they, in turn, teach others!”

Now, the question is this. Where are we in this process of communicating the truth to others today? Have we invested the time and effort to truly hear, study, and learn from the Bible so we can teach others? Then, are we working to “commit” what we have learned to others? And, finally, do we, in our teaching of others, encourage them to do the same? If we will commit to this scriptural methodology, the Lord will be pleased and the church will growth extensively among us.

Think about it!
Kevin Williams