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Treasures in Heaven Matt. 6:19-21

Material treasures of the east consisted primarily of clothes and precious metals. Clothes were better adapted to accumulation then than now, because no clothing went out of style. Clothes often suffered from moths, and metals often suffered from rust.

Material treasures were not forbidden by Jesus, but the hoarding of them was forbidden. Because moths and rust destroy them. Because thieves would break through and steal. Because heavenly treasures are more desirable than earthly treasures. They make security for the soul. They are eternal in value.

We lay up treasures in heaven in proportion to our sacrifices and work. We will be judged according to our works: Isaiah 59:18; Matt. 16:27; Rom. 2:6; Rev. 20:11-15.

We will be judged even by the secret things we do: Eccl. 12:14.

We will be judged according to the fruits of our doings: Jer. 17:10; 21:14; 32:18-19; 2 Cor. 5:10.

We have treasures, not in proportion to our talents, but in proportion to the way we use our talents.

The parable of the talents – five and two received the same reward: Matt. 25:14-30.

The parable of the laborers in the vineyard – all received the same pay: Matt. 20:1-16. To whom much is given, much shall be required. To whom little is given little shall be required: Luke 12:47-48.

In the parable of the pounds, the rewards were different: Luke 19:11-27.

We lay up treasures either on earth or in heaven. We lay up treasures on earth, when we put the things of the world first in our thoughts, plans, and affections. We lay up treasures in heaven when we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness: Matt. 6:33.

We should start laying up treasures in heaven early in life. The young die as well as the old. Listen to the wise man in Ecclesiastes 12:1. Let us be faithful in the few things (Luke 16:10). Life is uncertain and death is sure (Heb. 9:27).

the late Wayne Holland