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The Power of Faith

When a young shepherd boy bent down and picked up five smooth stones from a flowing brook the history of a nation changed, and a great warrior and king was born. The story is legendary.  Every leader, teacher, salesman, soldier and athlete, Christian and non-Christian, knows of it and is inspired by it, the story of David and Goliath.

It is the story of the power of faith; of a young boy who believed beyond the shadow of a doubt that God would be with him.  “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Sa. 17:37). So, the youth filled his sling with a stone from Elah’s brook and his heart with faith in his God and ran to achieve the victory he knew awaited.  Oh! The Power of Faith!

We all face Goliath. We all stand at the creeks edge and gaze upon the immense challenges before us.  Our faith is tested in many ways. We can step back in fear and never know the power of faith, or we can fill our sling and move forward with the assurance that God will give us the victory.

-Dennis Doughty