Free Bible study!


Point #1: There are great similarities of both the Constitution and Declaration of
Independence to our Christian Bible… the Constitution often MIRRORS the Bible. I asked one of our town’s most renowned liberals her opinion of Christianity and the Constitution – and I was blown away with her answer — good!! She said well our country is guided by the Constitution and Christians are guided the Bible. But does she NOT understand that that isn’t the practice of many? The oath of our elected leaders requires them to swear (or affirm) to support and defend the Constitution… although they say they believe in the Constitution many, in practice, deny it.
Over and over the language and references in the Declaration of Independence and
Constitution are to our Bible — Of the 56 signers of Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, all were church related and believers and four of them preachers! Don’t let people try to drag in here that lame excuse and lie about separation of church and state. That is neither biblical nor Constitutional. It is God they’re after – they seek a separation of GOD and state!   This is the opposite of what our founding fathers intended!!

Point #2: Morality and our Constitution/Declaration and Christianity are inseparably
based in and linked to Bible Morality. America is great because she is GOOD. When
America ceases to be good it will cease to be great – “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people,” Prov. 14:34.  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God,” Psalm 9:17.  On the other hand, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…” Psalm 33:12.  Has America forgotten God? Men and women of highest character are needed to lead.  THERE IS NO OTHER NATION that was built upon a constitutional government that requires a moral foundation—ONLY THE USA. “Providence (God) has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to
select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” —John Jay (1745-1829) First U.S. Chief Justice

Point # 3 – The Bible (Acts 5:29) and the Constitution – are both LIMITING DOCUMENTS. The Constitution limits the encroachment of government in our affairs… Our founding fathers DID NOT establish a democracy—the idea that the majority rules (mob rule). They established a Republican form of government based on a Constitution which limits the power of government and acknowledges the rights of the minority. We have responsibility before God and to each other to exercise our rights and NOT TO GO BEYOND certain stated limits — the Bible – teaches us to stay only in the Word. The Constitution says do certain things and what is not expressly stipulated shall be left to the states to decide (states rights}. Both in religion and in government men try to exceed and go beyond the bounds of their authority to their harm.

Ivy Conner