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A significant problem in our country is the excess of puppies. Many puppies are unplanned and perhaps unexpected. Sadly, there are many instances where the expenses of additional puppies create a financial hardship upon the entire family. The adoption of unwanted puppies has helped, but there remains a significant excessive number of puppies without loving homes. No one wants to see a puppy become feral and outside community involvement. Too many are the instances of unwanted puppies turning to theft and assault because they have no loving family support. What is the answer? Let us establish “Planned Puppyhood.”

Planned Puppyhood, or “PP,” would provide counseling and other assistance in cases where an additional puppy in the family would mean a hardship. It would be an outlet where puppies who were an unexpected “accident” could be accommodated. There could be PP offices in all areas of the country so no family would be without its services. Eventually, with the assistance of its advocates and a few politicians and activists, PP could become eligible for local, state, and federal funding. Exactly what would PP offer to those who wish to utilize its services?

The expectant mommy pup decides to end the pregnancy since the fetus is only a “clump of cells.” Then, there would be a brief time given to counseling about pregnancy and safe sex for puppies. Then, the client would be ushered into a clinic room where a licensed veterinarian would take charge. With the help of an assistant, a mild sedative would be administered. At that juncture, an instrument would be inserted which is designed to rip apart the unwanted fetal puppy. Shortly thereafter, it would be vacuumed out and disposed of. In some instances, the unwanted parts could be sold to a university or laboratory for experimentation or salvaged for usable parts.

There will inevitably be some hysterical conservatives who will object to this humane process. That is to be expected. They are ignorant and cannot understand the realities of life. Sometimes it is simply inconvenient to have an unwanted puppy added to the family dynamic. However, with the support of a few vocal advocates, Planned Puppyhood will certainly be successful.

Please join in making this effort a national success.

Question: If killing puppies is cruel, how about killing unborn babies?

Ken Smith