As a matter of help for the average Bible student, let’s make a dossier as we examine a few things regarding Jeremiah the prophet to help us to know some elementary things about him, his relationship with God, and with God’s rebellious people. Who: Jeremiah, aka “The Weeping Prophet.” His father was Hilkiah was the […]
The Life and Work of Isaiah
The Holy Spirit inspired the beloved physician, Luke, to record the conversion of a man from Ethiopia. He was a treasurer returning home from Jerusalem on the road that led to Gaza. Philip ran to the chariot and found the man reading. When asked if he understood what he was reading, the man said, “How […]
Introducing the Prophets
As far as we know the designation “major prophets” is attributed to the time of Augustin who referred to the “the twelve prophets who are called minor from the brevity of their writings” and “those who are called greater prophets because they published larger volumes.” The ancient Jews divided their bible into three major sections: […]
What Is This World Coming To?
I am determined to keep fighting the fight of faith, even as Timothy was admonished to do by Paul the apostle (1 Tim. 6:11-12). However, I sometimes wonder if my two cents worth that I put into my weekly mail out really makes that much of an impact on anyone or anything outside this […]
Man is a social being, and as such, God wants us to serve him as a group; “Oh Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together” (Psm. 34:3). As we say, there is strength in numbers, and that is true as we strive to serve the Lord. We are encouraged to […]
You Can Trust Your Bible
Since our Bible is the basis of our faith in God and His will for us, we must have confidence that we have an accurate copy of God’s word. There are many reasons we can believe that our copy of the Bible can be trusted. “Church Fathers” were men who lived in the second and […]
Converting Postmodernists
What Peter said to his reader is also true for all today. “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance,” (2 Peter 3:9). Luke’s record of the great commission says, “Thus, it is […]
The Three Greatest Questions
“Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” These are the three greatest questions one can ask and answer. The evolutionist says that we came from non-life. That is as unscientific as one can get! If you can believe that man, who has a conscience, came from matter which […]
A Visit to a Teen’s Religious World
I love the World War II generation and the enormous impact they have had on our nation! Perhaps no generation has had a greater challenge since then than the one presently coming to maturity. Last night, at Teens In The Word, we asked the teens to describe the religious philosophy of their peers as they […]
A child was run over by a car in a church parking lot and the preacher
had to speak the next Sunday. This is what he chose to say: “A Lamentation For Alex” Text: Lamentations 3:22-24 Aim: To help the children of the congregation process their grief over the death of Alex *****. Thesis: It is all right to feel sorrow now, but we won’t be sorry forever, because we can […]