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I heard this story about the owner of a Rolls Royce.  It certainly sounds as if could be true:


The great British automaker takes great pride in the reliability of

their handcrafted automobiles.   An obviously wealthy owner of a Rolls took

it to Europe on an extended trip.  While traveling in France the car had some mechanical problem.  He called the Rolls Royce factory and asked that they send out a mechanic straightaway to fix the problem.


The company responded in royal fashion.  They put a mechanic on a private jet with all of the necessary tools and flew him over to France to make the repairs.  The owner was so wealthy that he wasn’t at all concerned about the cost, and he would not spare any expense to assure that his beloved Rolls Royce was properly repaired.


However, after several months he realized he had not received a bill.

He directed his secretary to contact the Rolls Royce factory to inquire about the bill.  He received a prompt reply from the Rolls Royce company.

With typical British aplomb, it said simply, “We have no recollection or record of any Rolls Royce having ever had a breakdown or being in need of repair anywhere in France.”


That reminds me of how God treats us when he forgives us of sin.

Sometimes we have a harder time forgiving ourselves than does God.  We sometimes feel weighed down with the burden of guilt long after God has removed the burden of sin.  We need to follow God’s instructions to find forgiveness, then trust that God has kept his promise to forgive.  Take comfort from these words:


“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psa. 103:12)


“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Heb. 8:12)

Praise be to the God who “forgets” when He forgives!

Have a great day!

Alan Smith