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Their names are withheld from the listing of the faithful in Hebrews 11. However, their faith was not overlooked. The world rejected them, imprisoned them, tormented them, derided them, scoffed at them, belittled them, ignored them, and killed them. God, on the other hand, protected them, encouraged them, loved them, supplied them, promised them, and delivered them. These servants, “of whom the world was not worthy” (Heb. 11:38), could truly say, “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory.” (1 Cor. 15:57). Some in this listing may never be identified and others were not delivered from their physical plight. Yet, all of them “obtained a good testimony through faith” (Heb. 11:39) and found their way into “Faith’s Hall of Fame.”

Not all of these men and women understood why they were called to face such hardships or the ultimate purpose of their sacrifices. Some wondered if God was just in His decisions and wise in all of His choices. Several felt broken beyond repair. Others were mentally exhausted and spiritually drained. In the end, their faith overcame their fears and their courage outlived their uncertainties. In essence, that is what faith will do for us. It will not eliminate all of our concerns, but it will sustain us during times of disappointment and discouragement.

Despite the unworthiness of the world, we should be grateful that God chose to tell us of their faith and steadfastness.

As I have reflected on the week that I have spent at PTP in Sevierville, TN, I have thought a lot about these unnamed servants of Hebrews 11. At an event like Polishing the Pulpit, there are headliners and mainstays. There are men and women whose sessions are overflowing and whose names are easily recognized in many circles. After all, we all have our favorite preachers, don’t we?

But what about those who don’t speak? What about those who can’t attend? What about those who work daily for God and never mount a pulpit? While their names may not be known, these servants of God are useful, valuable, and important. We may not know them, but God does and that is all that matters in the end.

I would encourage all of us not to seek worldly accolades or the praise of men. Rather, let us demonstrate faith like those of old. Let us resolve that no matter what others think and no matter what others know, we will honor God and serve Him to the end.

Wayne Jones