Free Bible study!

How would you read a love letter?

Developing a Proper Attitude Toward Reading the Bible

Who can deny the importance of reading the Bible? It is the inspired word of God (2 Tim. 3:16.17), the light to guide us in this life (Ps. 118: 105), the standard by which we will be judged (Jn 12:48), and is able to save our souls (James 1:21).

And so, for most or us the question is not: ‘Should we read the Bible?’ We know that we should. But in all honesty, we have to admit that we don’t read it as often or as thoroughly as we should. The reality of this situation reflects a basic problem of attitude on our part. Too often the few moments that we do spend in study of God’s word are prompted from an ‘I have to’ viewpoint. We’ll never be very good Bible students until we can approach this study with an ‘I want to’ attitude.

Someone has suggested that the Bible should be read in much the same way that you might read a love letter. Did anyone ever have to force you to read a love letter? Or course not! When such a letter arrives in the mail, you tear open the envelope and quickly read through the letter to get the main ideas. But then, before laying the letter aside, you read it again, this time more slowly, hoping to get even more meaning. You will probably read the letter again several times, pondering carefully over every word, before finally putting it away in some special place to be saved. Why all the interest in this letter? Because it is from someone you love. Now, have you ever thought about the Bible in this same way? It will affect your attitude toward this ‘love letter’ from God.

“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:13).

– by Greg Gwin