Jesus was lost at least twice in the Bible. Once at 12 years of age His parents couldn’t find Him — He wasn’t where they thought He should have been and they were panicked. Where is Jesus?
The second time He is lost at the empty tomb He wasn’t there. Again, a panic — “they have taken away my Lord…” But in both cases JESUS WAS WHERE HE BELONGED.
First his parents found Him four days later in the temple discussing the Word of God and second Risen from the dead as told by prophecy. It would have truly been tragic had He been found three days later still in the tomb/grave. See Luke 2:48-52;Matt 28:1-6.
Maybe somebody stole the body. WHO WOULD DO IT? Who rolled the stone away? Not soldiers, not enemies, not friends, not Jesus — an ANGEL did it!! Matt. 28:2. What is proclaimed is unexpected news, HE IS NOT HERE. But that is exciting news — HE IS RISEN!!! Jesus Christ is Lord God.
Romans 1:3-4: “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit
of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.”
Jesus has ascended back to the Father to reign and the following scriptures declare that Christ reigns now and will reign forever and ever: Exodus 15:18; Psalm 146:10; Micah 4:7; Luke 1:33; Revelation 11:15.
—Ivy Conner