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There are two kinds of promises—man’s promises and God’s promises. The husband promises to buy the wife a new jacket, the wife promises to prepare the husband’s favorite meal, the parents promise the kids to go to the ball game, the kids promise to obey their parents and be good—men’s promises are not always sure. BUT THEN THERE ARE GOD’S PROMISES that are always sure.

Genesis 12 is called the greatest chapter in the book of Genesis. It records the promises God made to Abraham and extends to all Christians today, see Galatians 3:16-19 & 3:26-29.

There are many promises of God—good and bad promises, Mark 16:16. There are promises of God I DO want to receive: Forgiveness of sins—past and present, Acts 2:38; Salvation/assurance, Rom 8:1; Comfort/rest, Matt. 11:28-30; Abundant life now, John 10:10; Eternal life now and in the future, John 5:24; I John 5:13.

There are also promises of God I DO NOT want to receive: the wrath of God, Rom 11:22; a hard life (the way of the transgressor is hard, Prov. 13:15); to receive the wages (what I deserve) of sin—death, Romans 6:23; eternal banishment (forever) in a Devil’s Hell, II Thess. 1:7-9.

I would like to receive “…eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began,” Titus 1:2. We have the promise of Heaven or Hell and we will take OTHERS WITH US EITHER PLACE WE GO! See Romans 14:7. None of us lives to himself and none dies to himself. It’s a PROMISE!

by Ivy Conner