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Getting ‘Used To’ Sin

I remember reading about the woman who wanted to get into her bathing suit early in the spring before there were any crowds of people around so she could “get used to” being so scantily clothed.

Folks “get used to” all kinds of sin – which simply shows the need to “take heed …(and) exhort one another daily … lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3: 12,13), Sin wears a mask. It tries to never show itself for what it really is.

It is tragic when people “get used to” that which degrades character and lowers moral standards.  Instead of immodesty, however, the Bible commands “shamefacedness” – a word meaning “bound, or controlled by a sense or shame – modesty”. A shame-fast person has a  built-in sense or right or propriety that “binds” and forbids appearing in public carelessly or improperly clothed (1 Timothy 2:8-10).

Have you a sense of shame?  Don’t destroy your self-respect standards below God’s!

– by Boyd Sellers