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First it was just the L and the G.

Then the B and T got tacked on and “LGBT” became the dominant shorthand for all aberrant sexual and gender identities.

But in the name of inclusivity, gradually the acronym got longer to the point where occasionally you’ll see something like LGBTQIA2S.

I remember headlines about some nutcase college professor saying there were actually dozens of possible different identity initials, and people could be some combination of any of them.

However, in recent times the all-encompassing acronym they’ve settled on seems to be LGBTQ+. They say the + stands for the inclusion of any and all other identities who wish to include themselves.

I’m here to tell you: the + stands for pedophilia.

No, I’m not saying everyone who claims one of the letters is a pedophile. Rather, I’m saying the entire community is suspiciously not bothered by the sexualization of children and in fact is actively opening the door to its acceptance.

Their argumentation makes it inevitable.

“Love is love,” and “I was born this way” have long been their shields against any questioning. Guess what else those answers can also give cover for?

And if you think that’s an unfair stretch, ask yourself why they’re already making moves to extend “born this way” status to pedophiles under the euphemistic term “Youth Attracted Person.”

Some other questions to ask, while we’re at it:

Why don’t they distance themselves from the barbarism of “puberty blockers” and “gender-affirming care” for children?

Look up the kinds of things they do to kids in the name of “gender-affirming care.” It’s horrifying. Yet very few from the community will stand against it. And it sets the table for the idea of child consent.

Similarly, why don’t they distance themselves from Harvey Milk?

Milk was the first openly gay elected official in California and was also credibly accused of grooming and statutory rape. If the LGBT+ community were interested in making it clear they aren’t targeting children, the obvious move would be to distance themselves a thousand miles from someone as questionable as Milk.

Instead, they laud him as one of their greatest heroes. The man had his own big budget biopic starring Sean Penn along with a USPS-issued postage stamp and a Naval ship, and every May 22 California celebrates Harvey Milk Day.

If I were a part of a movement that had such a questionable figure in its past, I would want to make sure we distanced ourselves as far as possible from him and the sordid allegations surrounding him. Wouldn’t you? Yet they do the opposite.

Why do drag queens desire an audience of children?

Few things are as disturbing as the pictures that surface from Drag Queen Story Hour and “family friendly” drag shows. And it’s entirely unsurprising how many stories there are of wardrobe malfunctions, or a performer going “whoops, a little too far” with the sexualization of the event.

Heterosexual “adult entertainers” have never lobbied for the right to enter elementary schools and perform, but for some reason these people insist on it.

Why were they so indignant at Florida’s law that made it illegal to teach kids younger than 4th grade about sex, heterosexual or otherwise?

Sure seemed like a big deal to them—especially the teachers among the ranks—to retain the right to discuss sexuality with early elementary children.

Why are children allowed at pride parades?

As degenerate as “gentleman’s clubs” are, nobody has ever thought them a suitable place for children. Yet far more degenerate activity is done in broad daylight down Main Street of countless cities each June, with children’s attendance encouraged.

We got there awful fast from “What people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody’s business but their own.”

Why did Monkey Pox go from national headline to silenced overnight?

Did it have anything to do with the fact that it was being spread almost exclusively through homosexual orgies, and yet suddenly children and animals were turning up with it?

Why did Salon run (and later pull) an article entitled “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster?” And, as mentioned above, why have the euphemisms “Minor Attracted Person (MAP)” and more recently “Youth Attracted Person (YAP)” entered the lexicon?

More than 1 in 3 homosexuals claim to be victims of childhood sexual abuse, with much of that being homosexual abuse. And, being a victim of abuse highly increases the likelihood of becoming a perpetrator of it. Those are heartbreaking statistics, but they should also open our eyes to the reality of the situation.

Why are corporations like Disney and Target going wildly out of their way to put LGBT content in front of children at every turn?

“Representation” and “inclusion” means your 4 year old needs to learn about their way of life. Because otherwise a 4 year old would never dream of accepting any of this as normal.

There is no L and G without B, B without T, and T without +. Romans 1 shows us that it’s all an inevitable part of the same spiral away from God into self-delusion.

As the slippery slope prognosticators said 15-20 years ago, all of the arguments made for accepting homosexuality and gay marriage port perfectly to the matter of pedophilia. If you give them “Love is love” and “I can’t help it, I’m born this way,” then they’re going to pull out the same cards when it comes to children.

We cannot open the door to everything we’ve allowed in over the last 40 years and suddenly say “Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is where I draw the line.” There is no returning to 2008-era “tolerance,” because even if we could return we’d quickly end up right back where we are today.

So the next time you’re tempted to accept a “live and let live” argument, or the next time a TV show starts to convince you “they’re really just like us,” realize that’s not what the Bible says, and it’s not what reality shows.

Having said all of that…

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 gives a beautiful hope. In it Paul names the LGBTQ+ community in the list of the unrighteous, but follows it with “and such were some of you.”

In Christ, anyone can break away from this degeneracy. There is hope in the cross. Abandon your pride and turn your eyes upon Him.