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What To Do When Things Seem To Be Falling Apart

The country seems to be falling apart. What can we do right now in our messed up culture? These are some observations from I & II Peter:

  1. Focus, first and foremost, on our reward (I Pt 1.3-5).
  2. View hardship as a way to grow (1.6-9).
  3. Appreciate our grace, since it gives us sustained innocence in God’s eyes (1.10-12).
  4. When times get hard, put 100% of our hope in the second coming (1.13).
  5. We won’t get caught up in our worldly culture, but double down on being moral like Jesus (1.14-20).
  6. Put all of our confidence and hope in God (as opposed to people) (1.21).
  7. Practice genuine love for our Christian family (1.22-23).
  8. Keep the brevity of our lives in the forefront of our minds (1.24-25).
  9. Get rid of negative character attributes (2.1).
  10. Spend more time in Bible study (2.2-8).
  11. Remember that we’re a sovereign nation as God’s people (2.9-10).
  12. Set a good example, especially around worldly people (2.11-12).
  13. Submit to all governing authorities, both because it’s what God wants and because it reflects the church well (2.13-17).
  14. Go through difficulty with patience and grace (2.18-25).
  15. Husbands and wives can cultivate and strengthen their marriages (3.1-7).
  16. Make our church family our highest priority (3.8).
  17. Be good to people who mistreat us (3.9-13).
  18. Don’t stress about people who mistreat us because of our beliefs (3.14-22).
  19. Resist the temptation to fall back on sinful habits when difficulty happens (4.1-6).
  20. Remember that our lives are short (4.7).
  21. Love our Christian family, take care of them, and be unified in our relationship with God (4.8-11).
  22. Expect difficulty, and see it as suffering with Jesus (4.12-14).
  23. Trust God with our lives when things get difficult (4.15-19).
  24. Give our lives completely to God (5.6).
  25. Give all of our anxieties to God (5.7).
  26. Remember that Satan is our true enemy, and he wants us to mess up — don’t let him win (5.8-9).
  27. Remember that even worst-case scenarios are short-lived (5.10).
  28. Remember that apostles and prophets predicted that things would get rough toward the end (II Pt 3.1-4; cf II Thess 2.1-3; II Tim 3.1).
  29. Remember that God is fully in charge of Earth’s destiny (3.5-8).
  30. Remember that this Earth is temporary (3.10).
  31. Remember that God expects us to live as if tomorrow’s the end (3.11-12).
  32. Remember that we’re living for a new earth and sky (3.13, cf Rev 21.1-2; Is 65.17; Mt 19.28).

“Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found without spot or imperfection, and at peace. And consider God’s patience to be salvation…” (3.14-15).

Gary Pollard