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Does God Exist?

Often the answers to the simplest of observations can yield the greatest insight. Consider the following questions. Where did all the stuff in our Universe come from? Who or what put order and design in nature? How did we end up on a life-bearing planet? By answering these questions, we can form a reasoned argument that our Universe is not an accident but a purposed result (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20).

Natural Existence Demonstrates the Need for Supernatural

The simple old adage, “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” reminds us you cannot get something from nothing. Every known effect is the result of a prior cause. Our daily lives revolve around the push to achieve desired results and the necessity of work to produce them. Such a practical cycle of work (cause) and results (effect) is no less true within the natural world. In science, this principle is termed simply the Law of Cause and Effect, and it forms the foundation for scientific inquiry. Everything from understanding planetary orbits to tracking hurricane formation to criminal investigations relies on making observations and investigating their causes. Yet, the greatest observed effect is the existence of all matter and energy within our Universe.

Humans understand the simple truth that we are not the creators of matter or energy, and as such have formulated scientific principles including the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states, energy (or matter) cannot be created or destroyed. Did scientists give the Universe this law? Certainly not, this truth is based on observation and found to have no exception. Further, could humans or any other physical component within the Universe have created the entire Universe? Certainly not, for that would mean something could cause its own creation. The very existence of our natural Universe establishes there must exist a supernatural (outside of), preexisting (prior to) Creator.

Observable Design Demands an Intelligent Designer

It is easy to acknowledge skill, beauty, and design as you walk the halls of museums and art galleries, seeing masterpieces. Is it not then easier to consider the totality of the art, science, and minds of these human creators and proclaim, “What a beautiful masterpiece by an exceptional Creator”? When we look at the awe-inspiring bodies in the heavens or study the interconnected systems of Earth or appreciate the diversity of life that surrounds us, how can we ignore their organization and design?

Utilizing the common sense principle of cause and effect, when we observe design within the Universe we must honestly admit a Designer has caused such to exist. We rightfully have taken great steps to protect the rights of artists, acknowledging they have put forth the work to place observable design into their art. Now let us make the reasonable extension, where the supernatural, preexisting Creator has the right to be acknowledged for the observable design found in His creation.

Fine-tuning Declares an Intentional Creator

How often does it happen that our conversations turn to matters of the weather, speaking about the extremes of hot or cold, wet or dry? Yet, how often do we stop to notice the unique, privileged habitation we humans enjoy? Granted, every day’s weather is not a rainbow of perfection, but the fact that we live in an environment where beautiful flowers grow in an array of colorful blooms is astounding. Where this same environment also provides innumerable life-giving cycles such as the cycles for water, oxygen, soils, plant life, insect life, marine life, and animal life. A recognition of uniqueness and design existing on Earth stands in stark contrast to the expectations of chance, randomness, and undirected natural processes. Our fully-functional, life-sustaining, and diversity-abundant environment is an oasis in the vastness of space (Isa. 45:18). Though the temperature may not be to our liking or the humidity comfortable, where else in our Solar System would you rather live? How about living on Mercury’s sun-blasted surface or Venus’s continuous 900 degree sauna? Or, maybe you would prefer Mars’s oxygen deprived atmosphere, or the depths of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune’s crushing gravity and thick gases? No, our habitable Earth has been finely-tuned so life not only lives, but thrives.

Earth shows the hallmarks of being designed to match, accommodate, and sustain mankind. At every scale, from the cells in our bodies to Earth’s place in the Milky Way Galaxy, we find ourselves privileged to be located within the bounds life requires. Are we and our place a cosmic accident? No, such amazing results demand the purposeful eye of a loving Creator, Who not only brought our Universe into existence, but made Himself known by its design and finely-tuned the particular place we call home.


When we consider the alternative question, “Is it reasonable not to believe in God?” We have to begin with the recognition that nature on its own has no mind or direction, cannot create something from nothing, and has no purpose for man to hold such a privileged place. Therefore nature cannot be the answer to why we exist in such a purposed and privileged place, nor can it answer why a physical Universe exists at all. Scientific understanding and biblical faith are not mutually exclusive. Instead a strong faith in God is a reasoned response to common-sense, scientific principles we use everyday. The existence of our Universe, its observable design, and our privileged place within it speaks to God’s preexistence, His creative intention, and His love for all mankind.

Branyon May