Free Bible study!

Concerning Social Drinking

Can you say, “I drink alcoholic liquor because it makes me a stronger Christian.”? “A better husband.”? “A better wife.”? “A better mother or father.”?

Can you say, “I drink because it helps me in deciding what’s right and wrong.”?

Can you say, “I drink because it makes me a more effective teacher of God’s Word and helps me to exert a strong influence for truth and right.”?

Can you say, “I drink because it helps me to have more interest in spiritual things, like the study of God’s Word or His worship.”?

Can you say, “I drink because it makes my life richer, fuller and better in every way.”?

Can you say, “I drink because I know that no harm can possibly come from it”?

Can you say, “I drink because I know that drinking is far better than total abstinence.”?

Can you say, “I drink because I know the Lord wants me to.”?

– by Ernest A. Finley