If a child grows up and is indifferent to the “church,” God will demand an explanation from the parents. Parents are stewards of their children. This is an incomparable task. The most fearful thought a Father can have is that he may fail his task, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring […]
Category: Uncategorized
“What We Thought Was Secure …”
“The safety of the mountains” is a thought many of us have embraced. Living in the Appalachian Mountains, we have enjoyed a relatively mild climate. Tornadoes have been rare, and snowstorms have been diverted in other directions by the mountains that surround us. The Appalachians are what I have known for most of my life, […]
The Quiet Life
Life is a rush! We run from one appointment to the next. Not only that, but we also seem to be bombarded with noise! We’ve lived with that scenario so long, we think that is normal. That is a far cry from a quiet life and yet Paul commands, “make it your ambition to lead […]
Have You Considered My Servant Job?
Job 1:8 “The Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the face of the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.’” This fall I have been teaching the book of Job in several places that have invited me […]
Do You Really Think You Are the First One to Think of That?
You won’t believe my latest invention. I call it the ‘internal combustion engine’. I’m very excited about all the possible applications of this unique discovery of mine. What? You mean someone thought of that before me!?! Oh, well, I’ll just pursue some other ‘new thing’. Everyone would regard a person making such a claim as […]
That Familiar Ring of Truth
The preacher’s topic: “The Conversion of Saul.” But why that topic? Aren’t most of us familiar with that? Shouldn’t the preacher choose something new and more challenging? Why preach what is familiar? 1. It confirms convictions we have formed through the years. Most of us have strong beliefs concerning what a sinner needs to do […]
Do You Understand? Will You Obey?
Mark Twain, an unbeliever, said about the Bible; “It’s not what I don’t understand about it that bothers me – it’s what I do understand that is the problem!” Although he apparently never did anything about those fears, his observation was absolutely accurate. Someone else observed: “You may not understand all you read in the […]
Saved By Grace
Romans 3:23-26-31. Justification—you can’t do it; law can’t do it—God can do it. Grace—what it is – Thank God for G-r-a-c-e. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense without retribution or restitution. Grace gives us mercy—a gift instead of…JUSTICE—what we deserve! We need GRACE! Grace—What it is not – Not license or legalism; not works of credit […]
It Needs No Change
The men who wrote the Constitution of the United States have long been praised for their wisdom and foresight. The words they penned have served as the basis for the laws of this land for almost 250 years and have needed relatively few changes or additions. This is indeed remarkable when we view the governments and laws […]
Can We See The Bible Alike?
Moses said we could (Deut. 29:29). David said we could (Ps. 119:104). John said we could (Jn. 20:30,31). Jesus prayed that we might (Jn. 17:20). All of these spokesmen for God have declared that through study of the Scriptures we are enabled to see them alike. There are some things that HINDER a clear understanding […]