A familiar saying states: “Before you judge another, walk a mile in his shoes.” Sources attribute this quote to Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe of Native Americans, who wrote in a prayer, “Great Spirit — Grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.” The […]
Category: Uncategorized
The religious world contradicts Jesus and the Bible writers when they say you are saved by faith only or that your good works will get you to heaven. We are saved by God’s grace, but God requires both faith AND works. Many people believe that James 2:17-26 is the only scripture that talks about “faith […]
You will have a kidney in 1 hour
Spiritual Tragedy Melvin Gordon is dead. He loved his family, and was especially concerned for his sister who suffered from a serious kidney ailment. “I would do almost anything to restore my sister’s health,” he told his wife. So he drove to a local hospital, put a rifle muzzle to his head, and fired one […]
What Will You Do with the Bible’s Claims? Proverbs 30:5
The Bible demands its readers take it seriously. The biblical authors make several claims that force us to evaluate the Bible differently than we would a textbook or a work of fiction. The Bible claims it is historical. Throughout the Bible, we find the inspired writers referring to real, verifiable people, places, and events. This […]
Did Jesus Lie to His Brothers? John 7:1–10
John 7:1–10 opens simply enough. John tells us that Jesus continued to minister in Galilee, but avoided the region of Judea because the Jews (specifically the leadership centered in Jerusalem, Judea’s capital) wanted to kill him. This comes as no surprise. Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus taking actions to control the timing of His […]
Pray that God will help you find your place in His great plan to save souls in Christ!
Too often Christians only look to be “involved.” Christians need to carefully consider how they can most effectively contribute to Christ’s soul saving and building mission. Let’s briefly reflect on the following to help in this process. WE ARE ALL UNIQUE Every member of the body of Christ is so unique, thus Paul likens Christians […]
Margaret Bradley, a native of Boston, a University of Chicago medical student and a veteran marathon runner, died from heat exhaustion and dehydration during a July 2004 27-mile day run in the rugged terrain of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Although Miss Bradley was a seasoned runner, the sweltering Arizona heat literally drained her system […]
The Dictionary defines Narcissism as an “Excessive admiration or love of oneself.” In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter who was known for his beauty, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it until the gods turned him into a flower that bears his name to this […]
You Can … But You Can’t
You can ignore God’s warnings: you can refuse His blessing; you can reject all his wondrous love; but you can’t go to heaven doing so. You can believe any doctrine you choose; you can belong to the church of your choice; you can worship God as you please; but you can’t please God doing so […]
God’s Mountain
When God delivers an important message, it is often from the mountain top. It is a habit of His. Mt. Horeb (also known as Mt. Sinai) was called “the mountain of God” and is where God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, and later gave the Ten Commandments (Ex 3:1,2; 19:20). It is where […]