Developing a Proper Attitude Toward Reading the Bible Who can deny the importance of reading the Bible? It is the inspired word of God (2 Tim. 3:16.17), the light to guide us in this life (Ps. 118: 105), the standard by which we will be judged (Jn 12:48), and is able to save our souls […]
Category: Uncategorized
Are You a Part of the 5G Network?
With a title like that, it sounds like I’m asking if you are a part of the latest cell phone technology, doesn’t it? The latest 5G cell phone network promises many things. In the church, we have a network that is designed by God Himself for the betterment of the kingdom and for each member […]
Searching for Jesus
Everyone is searching for something. It may be peace and security. It might be love. It may be fame and fortune. The word “search” implies there is effort involved in reaching one’s goal. Whatever our quest is, it pales in comparison to the quest of some wise men of Jesus’ day. Wise Men Search […]
Why Did Jesus Arrive as an Infant?
Being the youngest in my family meant that I never had a chance to have a younger sibling. That means that when it comes to holding babies and interacting with children, I am nearly hopeless; it seemed fitting that I ended up marrying a Kindergarten teacher (one of us needs to be an expert!). A […]
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Wise Men Still Seek Him What is the most important thing to remember about the wise men? The wise men were “wise” because they sought Jesus. They were interested in Jesus—this is a mark of wisdom! Matt. 2:1. They weren’t just “interested,” they cared enough to search for Jesus. Matt. 2:2, 8. They followed the […]
The Birth of Jesus Facts, Fiction, and Applications
Place of Birth Foretold. Micah prophesied at the same time of Isaiah from about 750 to 690 B.C. He particularly worked in the smaller towns and villages. God spoke through him to foretell that the Messiah was going to be born in one of those small towns – Bethlehem. God spoke through him saying, […]
His plans never fail Proverbs 19:21
“Man plans, God laughs,” is a saying that has been around for quite some time. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.” Our travels for Thanksgiving reminded me of this biblical truth. We had planned to get up […]
The Bible is Understandable
and you can receive a FREE Bible study to do at your own pace and in your own home. The multitude of different church buildings in every city stands as a sad reminder of religious division and confusion. In man’s loss of unity, he is tempted to blame God and His word, the Bible. Men […]
Christ’s Embarrassing Questions
Questions are a wonderful way to teach. They make us stop and think and evaluate…and then COMMIT OURSELVES. Sales people are very good at this—you want that car in red or blue; you want 2 or 3 of these; etc. God asks Job 40 questions he couldn’t answer and we cannot answer most, even today. […]
What To Do When Things Seem To Be Falling Apart
The country seems to be falling apart. What can we do right now in our messed up culture? These are some observations from I & II Peter: Focus, first and foremost, on our reward (I Pt 1.3-5). View hardship as a way to grow (1.6-9). Appreciate our grace, since it gives us sustained innocence in […]