I have never tried it, but I am told that if you drop a frog into hot water, he will jump out. However, if you were to place a frog in a kettle of cool water and gradually heat the water, the frog would stay put and perish in a boiling death. Perhaps you wonder […]
Category: Uncategorized
LGBT Came to Church
This past Sunday afternoon we had just completed a nice Sunday/New Year’s family dinner together with my mother and father in law, as well as my wife’s sisters and their crews when my phone rang. The person who called asked if the church had evening services and I affirmed that we did, at 5:00. He […]
Acts of Justice Psalm 9 Chinese officials from the Public Security Bureau invaded a Sunday school room at a church in early 2005. They found thirty children inside and herded them into a van. Despite the scary situation, one child started to sing. In a few moments, all the children were singing. Upon […]
Mature Love
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways” (1 Corinthians 13:11) Someone once said that when he was a boy he used to shine his father’s shoes. He did this because his […]
Living in the Danger Zone
As our generally ungodly society progressively worsens, it should be no surprise’ to see individuals who wear the name “Christian” also heading in this direction. Some have the attitude “how close can I get to sin without sinning? Just how much can I get away with? How little can I do and be pleasing to […]
The End Is Better Than The Beginning
“The end of a matter is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better haughtiness of spirit.” (Eccl.7:8) As we end this year, will you do anything differently this coming year? Same routines? Same schedules? Same habits? Same financial picture? Same spiritual picture? Same type of books read? Same friends to hang out with? […]
Don’t trust the media
Wait! We’re not going to talk politics. Our subject and this site deal with spiritual things. The title sounds political, but it’s true for other areas as well. Here’s an example. One recent morning as I drove to the bread store, I turned on the radio and, in the five-minute trip, listened to two stations. […]
Which Ones Have You Encouraged?
The Lord’s church is composed of both strong and weak members. Each one needs encouragement at times, but certainly the weaker brethren need a greater amount of special attention. Also, there are some members who are not necessarily weak, but who have special physical problems, causing them to need special attention. The apostle Paul taught […]
Time for Renewal
As I entered the house from a tiring day of strenuous manual labor from using a chain saw to trim and cut down trees, my body needed to be renewed. What is true of our physical man is also true of our spiritual man. From time to time, we need to be renewed spiritually. Are […]
Want a Happy NEW Year? Take Time For God!
Have a Happy NEW Year! Let us all make it a really NEW…NOT just another year…not the same-ole sameole…but a really joyous and happy NEW (different, better) Year. Let us get rid of all the old baggage and junk holding us back and begin to truly run the Christian race with patience, Heb. 12:1-3. How […]