Hebrews 10:19-25 Aim: to emphasize the need for faithfulness in worship attendance. Thesis: the most important reason for faithfully attending worship is that it allows us to draw near to God through Jesus. Introduction: PLEASE BE TURNING to Hebrews 10. Hebrews 10:25 “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some […]
Category: Uncategorized
Daniel’s Success
There are several ways one may define success. How about this: A king honors you, gives you riches, and makes you ruler over the land. That is what happened to Daniel (Dan. 2:46-49), and not just because he interpreted a dream. There were three keys to Daniel’s success. First, Daniel ASKED God (2:16-18). When faced […]
Thought for the day
Some things in life may stretch the wallet, but some costs are simply too high. Matt 16:26 – For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and forfeit his life? or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?
THE LORD WILL PROVIDE Genesis 22:1-19, Part 1
The calling of Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac is almost incomprehensible, but when we really understand it, it can propel our faith to extraordinary and perhaps unexpected measures. In order for us to get a proper grip on this story we need to back up and see the bigger picture. We need to understand […]
We’ve all heard of the research that was first publicized back in 1991, suggesting that alcoholic beverages, in moderation, are actually good for your health. Well, after 25 years that research has been reevaluated and found to be WRONG. It turns out the methodology of the original research was flawed, AND that the earlier findings […]
Ten Steps Everyone Can Take To Reach Lost Friends
1. Prayerfully identify 1-3 people you know who are not Christians. 2. Pray fervently for their salvation every day. 3. Be a blessing to your friends. 4. Invite each to a meal (no agenda), just to get better acquainted. 5. At an opportune time, ask each one for prayer requests. Check back. 6. Invite each […]
The Consequences of Procrastination
The term “procrastinate” is defined: “to put off doing something until a future time” — “to defer, postpone.” And of course, the word “consequences” simply means that which follows or results from a certain course or action. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, someone has said. One of the easiest things to […]
A test For Spiritual Maturity By Spencer Clark
The church of Corinth faced a problem: they were divided around personalities and preferences for different preachers and teachers, aligning themselves with Apollos, Paul, or others. Despite their affinity for spiritual gifts, Paul was deeply concerned with the unity and maturity of the congregation. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote, “For while there […]
“Faith That Shakes” Acts 16:16-34
A month or so ago, Rachel’s brother Zachary was hit by a car while he was trying to help police officers sort out a situation with someone else who was parked close to Zachary’s drive way. He sustained a broken leg but otherwise he is okay. Sometimes we try to do something good but then […]
Do you like to WIN or LOSE?
Each and every day, we are faced with battles, trials and temptations. Some wars we engage in are against ourselves, others, or even circumstances around us. Many times, we can feel like we are losing our battles. Whether they be emotional, spiritual, or even moral battles we face, we can often feel vulnerable and desperate. […]