Luke shows us two demonstrations of Jesus’ power as He traverses the roads and villages of the northern half of Palestine during the early part of His public ministry. These show the diversity of Jesus’ work, even what He did simultaneously. This ultimate example of “multi-tasking” was performed for two situations that were about as […]
Category: Uncategorized
Maui’s Judgement Day Scene
The images on our TV screens of the fire and destruction on the Hawaiian island of Maui have been horrific. Like a thief in the night, wildfires consumed the seaside city of Lahaina before residents could be warned. Many lost their lives in the raging flames while others fled with moments to spare, many escaping […]
“Godliness With Contentment”
The idea of contentment concerns our being happy, or satisfied, with our situation in life. The Bible speaks a lot about our being content. In the first place, God wants us to be content with our physical necessities in life. In Philippians 4.11 Paul says, “Not that I speak in respect of want; for I […]
You Expect Me to Believe That?
• In the beginning there was nothing. And suddenly, for no reason, nothing exploded and created everything. • At some point, by chance, the right chemicals happened to float together at just the right moment to be struck by an electrical charge and become life. • Somewhere two non-human mothers each gave birth to a […]
We’re climbing a rope which hangs from heaven. Occasionally we feel a gentle tug reminding us that truth is tied to the end. For the time being, we’re left with a plethora of puzzles to ponder and countless mysteries to mull over. The Bible’s not boring. It’s mankind’s one and only peek behind the spiritual […]
Departure From Within
Very shortly after the success of the new church in Rome (historical sources reveal there could have possibly been as many as six million Christians there), one would expect that growth would continue. However, there is disappointment in this expectation. Some years prior to the close of the first century there was a departure from […]
Would You Destroy a Bible?
From time to time, Bibles fall into a state of disrepair (e.g., the binding comes apart, pages are torn or lost, etc.). If that were to happen to any other book, I’d just throw it away. However, I just can’t bring myself to do that when it comes to a Bible. I won’t ever use […]
Praying to God occurs regularly. Most of humanity prays at some time or another. Sometimes we pray simply to express thanks. Or to ask for guidance. Or to verbalize dismay. Or to plead for assistance. Or to request desired results. Or to bring healing to another’s broken heart or ill body. We pray, wondering if […]
The apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians and informed them, and us, that “they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that are drunken are drunken in the night” (1 Thess. 5:7). If there was ever a word which might describe the spiritual status of our world today it is the word “darkness.” This […]
Who Will Help Me Get To Paradise?
Proverbs 1:15-19 says, “my son, do not walk in the way with them; hold back your foot from their paths, for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood. For in vain is a net spread in the sight of any bird, but these men lie in wait for their own […]