The number 2 is prevalent all throughout scripture. Like God’s creation man and woman (2) were united through marriage into one. The number two in the Bible is also a symbol of the connection between Jesus and the church (1 Corinthians 12). God’s word is spread throughout the New and Old Testaments (2). The first […]
Category: Uncategorized
It’s Hard to Imagine
Imagine if there were a way we could go back in time to the 1st century and be given an opportunity to speak to those people about life in the 21st century. How much of what we take for granted on a daily basis would they be able to comprehend? Imagine trying to explain television, […]
Polyamory, Front and Center
In October, 2023, I wrote an article about open marriages and I warned of the coming “polyamory” trend. Fast forward just four months when New York magazine has a cover story on polyamory, explaining how it works. In fact, they offer a practical guide to polyamory, answering many of the questions people might have about […]
Benefits of Being “in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1–39
Romans 8 is one of the most encouraging chapters in all of Scripture. It opens with the words, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Paul goes on to describe many other benefits of being “in Christ Jesus.” In Christ Jesus, the righteous requirement of the law is fulfilled […]
Limiting God
God is “omnipotent”, which literally means that He is “all powerful.” Sometimes we express this idea by saying that “there is nothing God cannot do.” That statement can lead to certain difficulties. For example: – Hebrews 6: 18 says that ” … it was impossible for God to lie.” Here we have something that God […]
Better Worship During Preaching
We hate to admit this, but most of us have sat through a sermon with our minds somewhere else. The preacher was boring, the sermon was long, and we were no longer with him. There is a responsibility upon the preacher to find ways to communicate effectively and efficiently with the audience. But we have […]
“A Refrigerator On His Back?!”
Daniel Fairbrother was recently stopped by police in Stevenage, Hertfordshire in England. He wasn’t in a car but was running. So why was he stopped? It was because of the refrigerator he had strapped to his back. The police were almost apologetic, but explained, “We’ve got to stop you.” Daniel explained to the officers that […]
Heaven & Hell: Most Believe, But Few Think They Will Go to Hell
The Gallup pollsters regularly conduct surveys about the religious beliefs of people in America. Some of the most interesting statistics have to do with the views of people regarding heaven and hell. Typical results are like these from a previous survey: – Believe in heaven———————————– 78% – Among those who believe in heaven, the percent […]
The Bible tells us to “seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). There is so much more involved with this than just attendance. “Seeking first” is an attitude as well as a commitment to the cause of Christ. “Seeking first” means such things as: – Putting others first (Phil. 2:3,4) – Being willing to […]
Immersed in Jesus
When a person immerses himself in something, he totally surrounds himself with it. He spends time thinking about it and making plans around it. It occupies his mind, utilizes his energy and expends his resources. People can immerse themselves in many different things. Some are immersed in hobbies, recreation or sports such as hunting, fishing, […]