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A common criticism leveled against congregations by visitors, new members, or even those who have become dissatisfied with their identification with a particular local church is the charge that it practices “cliquishness.” A clique is “a small, exclusive group of friends or associates” (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language). The reason the charge of “cliquishness” is […]

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Who Wrote the Bible?

Down through the years there have been those who have doubted the inspiration of the Bible. There are those who look upon the Bible as being nothing more than a dead letter, or some fable, or a group of fables that have been passed on from generation to generation. Others feel that the Bible is […]

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Forgiveness (2nd in a series)

Last week we learned that unilateral forgiveness can and should be offered when situations arise that do not involve sin.  For instance, if someone ‘hurts my feelings’ or does something that leaves me feeling slighted – these may reflect bad judgment or carelessness, but there is no sin, and I can just let those things […]

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Forgiveness (1st in a series)

Jesus was clear that forgiving others is absolutely critical to our own salvation:  “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14-15)  It is, therefore, essential that we properly understand this important subject. […]

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