The story is told of a lady who walked into a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist if he had a cure for the hiccups. The pharmacist said, “I sure do,” and immediately and unexpectedly yelled, “boo!” at the top of his lungs. Well, this nearly scared the lady half to death! She looked at the […]
Category: Uncategorized
The Need for Distinctive Preaching
The role of the teacher is to hold back nothing profitable, but to teach the whole purpose of God (Acts 20:20,27). That is the key to faithfully fulfilling the work of an elder or evangelist, i.e., that we hold back nothing that is profitable to the people. Preaching on the love of God is not […]
Avoid Backbiting
My beloved brethren, we need to beware of backbiting, and we need to completely avoid it. You see, to backbite is, “to maliciously talk about someone who is not present.” So, to be simply put, backbiting istalking about someone behind their back in a degrading way. You see, when one backbites they are engaging in […]
Christians are to be a people of their word!
Young man Murphy applied for an engineering position at a firm based in Dublin, Ireland. An American applied for the same job, and since both applicants had the same qualifications, the department manager asked them to take a test to determine who would get the job. They were left alone in a room together, seated […]
Are They Lost?
There are many things that interfere with our ability to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Sometimes it is fear or because our heart is not in the right place. However, what may be even more dangerous is a quiet acceptance of the lost. This means that at some point, we have come to rationalize […]
Never Go Back
We can learn much from the life of Abraham. One event in his life that instructs us is his search for a wife for his son Isaac (Genesis 24). After the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham called his chief servant and charged him with finding Isaac a wife. Abraham makes his servant promise that […]
Bible Study
Let’s discuss a topic we all have struggled with. How many times a day do we eat? Some start out with breakfast or coffee, second is lunch and third is dinner with a snack later. Food is energy that keeps our bodies working properly, but how many times a day do we feed our spiritual […]
Unexpected Visitors
For as long as I have been preaching, when it is around holiday time, I will hear some tell me that the reason they weren’t at church services was because they had “unexpected visitors.” This explanation is usually offered without any shame or embarrassment, indicating that in their way of thinking, their behavior was totally […]
If I Could Start Again as a Father
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4). Contextually, John is most likely referring to Gaius (and others whom John knew) and his faithful obedience and devotion to God. As a father of three grown children (along with their spouses), I can understand the joy of […]
If I Could Start Again as a Husband
Regret has been a perpetual refrain for humanity since our beginning; I have no doubt Adam and Eve must have thought, “If only we could go back to the garden, we’d never touch that fruit again!” I sometimes wonder if Nicodemus’ words in John 3:4 held a wistful tinge of “If only I really could […]