What kind of people were the Christians of the first century? Were they “super-Christians,” totally dedicated, so devoted to the Lord that they would put twentieth century Christians to shame? We tend to think so. And if we look only at the Christians of Jerusalem before the church was scattered, our conclusions will be well […]
Category: Uncategorized
Demonstrating Our Love
Here’s a challenge for you: Try to explain what love is without stating what it does. Consider that for a minute, and you will surely agree that it is nearly impossible. Husbands and wives, think back to when you were courting you mate. Feelings of love were on your mind continually. Agree? But what do […]
The Importance of Bible Study
a. The sacred writings are able to give us the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 3:15). b. The Scriptures make us complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). c. Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17). d. The gospel is God’s power […]
Sober Minded in Every Sense of the Term
Researchers at the University of California San Diego reviewed 14 years of accident data and found that “A blood alcohol concentration of just 0.01 percent was associated with risky behaviors such as speeding.” Lead researcher, David P. Phillips, Ph.D. says, “For a 180 pound person, that translates to one glass of wine or a bottle […]
Once for All
“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints…” (Jude 3). The Greek word hapax translated “once for all” means that it is “of perpetual […]
The story is told of two chimney sweeps who worked together on an extremely large chimney.
By chance, their security rope snapped and they both banged their way down to the bottom of the chimney. Neither was hurt, but by pure happenstance, each of them rubbed against the chimney differently. One man’s face was covered in soot while the other’s face was unaffected. The man whose face was dirty looked at […]
Point #1: There are great similarities of both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to our Christian Bible… the Constitution often MIRRORS the Bible. I asked one of our town’s most renowned liberals her opinion of Christianity and the Constitution – and I was blown away with her answer — good!! She said well our […]
A significant problem in our country is the excess of puppies. Many puppies are unplanned and perhaps unexpected. Sadly, there are many instances where the expenses of additional puppies create a financial hardship upon the entire family. The adoption of unwanted puppies has helped, but there remains a significant excessive number of puppies without loving […]
What My Giving ‘Says’
It is clear that our giving to the Lord reflects our basic attitudes in several important ways. Consider … IF I GIVE NOTHING: I’m really saying, “Let’s close the doors and disband the church”. I take a “free ride” based on what others have given. WHEN I GIVE LESS THAT 10% OF MY INCOME: I […]
The Sin of Murmuring
The word “murmur” is defined as “low, muttered complaints; grumbling.” (Webster). It is condemned by God as being sinful. We are commended to “do all things without murmuring and disputings.” (Philippians 2:16). The apostle Paul warned Christians against this sin in his letter to the Corinthians: “Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured […]