One of the earliest jobs my dad had was teaching school – he began while he was still in his teens, with a one room school in upstate Mississippi. Some of his students in the higher grades were as old and as big as he was, and more than one time he maintained discipline with […]
Author: bumchecks
The Prodigal’s Father
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer […]
Stick with the Scriptures
Because the Bible presents itself as the Word of God, it also requires men and women to get that message right. To get the message wrong is to be a false teacher. Listen to Jesus: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. “You will know […]
Take a Long Look at Life Ecclesiastes 7:8 and Matthew 16:24
THE BEGINNING CAN BE BETTER THAN THE END: Almost everyone can make a good beginning; but he can also wreck whatever he is doing before he gets very far. This is illustrated profoundly by some of the most common relations of life. Marriage, student life, business, and even congregational activities. Compare Philemon 24; Colossians 4:14; […]
Moral Relativity vs. Moral Clarity
Our society is infected with moral relativity, that is, nothing is definitely right or wrong; it all depends on your perspective. Moral relativity has been responsible for a wide acceptance of abortion, adultery, fornication, drunkenness, lying, etc. The Bible says there is right and wrong, good and evil (Lk. 6:45). The Bible provides us with […]
Shame On Herodias’ Daughter
Matthew 14:6-7 says, “But when Herod’s birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod. Therefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.” John the Baptist was killed due in great part to Herod’s lust. And Herod’s lust was enflamed in great part by the dancing […]
Can We See The Bible Alike?
· Moses said we could (Deut. 29:29). · David said we could (Ps. 119:104). · John said we could (Jn. 20:30,31). · Jesus prayed that we might (Jn. 17:20). All of these spokesmen for God have declared that through study of the Scriptures we are enabled to see them alike. There are some things that HINDER a clear understanding of the Bible: […]
Proverbs 16:18 / 1 Timothy 3:6-7 Aim: to warn against the sin of pride. Thesis: if pride can damn a spiritual being as powerful, and as close to God, as an angel – think what it will do to us! Introduction: A couple of weeks ago in my sermon I described the aggressiveness of atheists […]
Using Good ‘Bed-Side Manner’
A trip to the doctor is seldom a pleasant experience. Usually such a visit is motivated by a physical malady of some sort that requires the doctor’s medical expertise to diagnose and treat. We are already suffering some distress and discomfort, so we really want the doctor to show his best ‘bed-side manner’ to ease […]
Six Questions For Young People
1. What kind of son or daughter will I be? The world says, “You are only young once, so enjoy it in every way you can.” This is easy for most to accept because they want freedom from restraints. However, young people should be obedient to God and to their parents (Ephesians 6:1-3; Proverbs 10:1; […]