“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful,
and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,” Heb. 12:28 NIV.
NOTE: Not all worship is acceptable to God! We must worship God in SPIRIT and in
TRUTH, John 4:23-24.
The KEY to understanding: worship and service are interchangeable. If you worship you
are serving – if you are serving you are worshipping, Romans 12:1 (reasonable service –
spiritual worship). Jesus used the words “worship” and “service” interchangeably in
Matthew 4:10. The word “worship” in the Greek is proskuneo – an act of worship, to kiss
toward (John 4:21-24; Rev. 22:9); or latreuo – to serve, to render sacred service or homage,
Phil. 3:3 and Heb. 10:2.
I. In SPIRIT/SINCERITY, Joshua 24:14-15.
1. Cain and Abel were the first worshippers—one accepted, one rejected, Gen. 4:3-8. Able
offered by faith, Heb. 11:4 and Rom. 10:17 (more excellent – more generous).
2. Two priests, Nadab and Abihu, offered an unacceptable sacrifice, Lev 10:1-3
(unauthorized, what God did not command).
3. Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5:1-5 (insincere – deceptive).
4. VAIN worship – Jesus said teaching doctrines of men is vain, Matt. 15:6-9.
5. Will worship (according to what we want and not what God wants), Col. 2:20-23.
6. Lack of sincerity, Acts 5:4. Worship should involve all our heart, Matt. 22:37.
II. In SPIRIT AND in TRUTH, John 4:23-24.
1. Singing praises, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 and Heb. 2:12. Sing! Consistent—no piano organ,
flute, lute, banjo drums or even guitar in worship to God.
2. Lord’s Supper is bread and fruit of the vine, I Cor. 11:26-27—not coke and chips and dip;
that might be ok on the supper table at home, but not on the Lord’s Table in the Lord’s
house. We are to remember the Lord’s death each Sunday (first day of the week), Act 20:7.
3. Pray without ceasing thru Jesus—in His name, according to His will, James 4:15;
I John 5:14 (not thru Mary or a priest).
4. Teaching and Preaching must be in truth and applicable according to the Word,
John 17:17; Matt. 4:4. See also II Tim. 4:2.
5. Giving of your means. Return to God generously, cheerfully, not grudgingly! I Cor. 16:1-2
and Gal. 6:10. Remember that insincere giving was not acceptable to God, Acts 5:1-5.
by Ivy Conner