Ecclesiastes 7:8 “The end of a matter is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better haughtiness of spirit.”
As we end another year, will you do anything differently this coming year? Same routines? Same schedules? Same habits? Same financial picture? Same spiritual picture? Same type of books read? Same friends to hang out with? Or, will you put a stake in the ground and determine that this coming year will be different? More spirituality? More involvement with my church family? More reaching out? More faith? More time for family? Better saving financially? Better spiritual habits? Better care of your body? A better year?
We often call such things, “resolutions” meaning we have “resolved” to do things. But often, our first of the year resolutions last about a month and they are gone. Back to the old ways, old habits and old thoughts. Eventually these add up to a lifetime and that defines our life.
I have found that the best diet in the world is the mirror. When a person is tired of the way they look, they will do something. The best financial plans is your bank statement. When you are tire of living paycheck to paycheck, you will do something. The best spiritual plan is Sunday—when you are tired of giving lip service to the God that loves you so much, you’ll start making changes. The motivation is I want to do better. I want to be better.
The end is better than the beginning…Let’s make it so, by living for Jesus every day.
– by Roger Shouse