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Winning People with Gentleness and Respect Colossians 3:12-14

Aretha Franklin sang the song, “What you want, honey, you got it. And what you need, baby you’ve got it. All I’m asking, is for a little respect when I come home.” The chorus says, “It’s what I want from you. Respect is what I need. Respect is what I want. Respect is what I need.” It was one of her signature songs and was an anthem for the Civil Right’s and Women’s rights movements from the 1960s.

EPHESIANS 4:32-5:2:

How do we show other people respect? Listen to Paul’s list here:

Be kind.

Be tender-hearted.

Forgive each other. This word means “be gracious toward” each other.

Imitate God by walking in love.


Conflict is good for us in the sense that it should cause us to be humble. That is the main point in this text from Paul. How do you show respect toward people?

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.

With humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.

Do not look out merely for your own personal interests.

Look out for the interests of others.

Be like Jesus.


Look at how Paul tells us to show respect to other people in this text:

Be compassionate. – That is, feel in your heart with the other person.

Be kind.

Be humble.

Be gentle.

Be patient.

Bear with one another.

2 TIMOTHY 2:24-26:

This text specifically relates to those who are teaching error in the name of Christ.

Do not be quarrelsome. There is a point where we need to defend the truth, but we also should try to avoid being argumentative.

Be kind.

Be able to teach. In other words, make sure you know what you are talking about.

Be patient.

Be gentle correcting those who are in opposition.

Let Jesus’ teachings on respect guide our interactions with others, especially when we face disagreements.

Paul Holland