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Are You Kidding Me?

Some time ago I read an AP news article reporting that our federal government created a commission to “find a way to make up the growing revenue shortfall in the program that funds highway repairs and construction.”  It seems that motorists are not buying enough gasoline/diesel to generate the funds to keep our transportation infrastructure moving forward.

Wait just a second… let me get this straight.  We have been being beat up because we are such fuel gluttons for how long?  We have been told that we are the primary offenders causing holes in the ozone, the greenhouse effect, global warming and only the Lord knows what else.  All because we use too much fossil fuel!   Now that our usage has dropped a minute amount [probably temporary], guess what’s coming- a “50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by the commission.”  So we are being punished for driving too much and for not driving enough?  Do I have that right?  Give me a break!!!!!

For some reason this reminds me of what I see as a similar phenomenon in Christianity.  We have always pounded the command to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel…” as a personal responsibility [rightfully so].  All my growing up years I heard in almost every public prayer- “Lord, help us to reach those behind the Iron Curtain [or occasionally, Bamboo Curtain] with the gospel.”  The Lord heard and answered our prayer.   Doors opened.  And interestingly… we jumped up and went!  Ordinary, everyday Christians went.  We took food to drought-stricken nations.  We sent millions of Bibles to Eastern Europe.  We planted schools and churches.  We put together medical missions.  We started Christian camps.  Thousands of off-the-pew Christians went.   Were there strikeouts?  Of course there were.  But there were also singles, doubles, triples and a few home runs!  But we started hearing/reading about how much harm was being done by sending people who “didn’t understand the culture!”  Admonitions about leaving mission work up to those who had been trained sprang up everywhere..

Are you kidding me?  We get hammered for going and for not going!

I don’t know what all this says to you [if anything]… but to me it says, “Don’t be overly influenced by current headlines/issues.”  The world is full of people who have the answer (most of which is no answer at all!).  Unfortunately, some of these people make it to positions of authority and are taken seriously.   Some of them are well-meaning and some are self-serving.  Some are smart and some are idiots and some are both.  But they don’t row my boat!  The Lord does.  Like the Father thundered at Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration [speaking of Jesus], “THIS is my son, whom I love.  Listen to HIM.

This is just more incentive to read your Bible regularly and follow what it says.  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” – Jesus.


– Ken Stegall