I was still pretty young when one of the funeral directors in my home town died. To a young mind, that seemed so strange. He was always supposed to be there when other people died. Now, his family needed the services of a funeral director.
Have you ever wondered who cuts your barber’s hair? To whom does your doctor go when he gets sick? Who puts the fillings in the teeth of your dentist (in case he doesn’t follow the advice he gives you and gets a toothache)?
Those who usually serve need, at times, to be served. This is just as true in the church as it is in the world. Remember that Paul admonishes us, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
What about the person you usually rely on for support? Do you try to observe moments when you can serve and support him or her? There are those times when they need you, you know. All of us, including the spiritually strong, need somebody to talk with, cry with, laugh with – somebody who has no particular talent other than the ability to care.
– by Jim Faughn