• In the beginning there was nothing. And suddenly, for no reason, nothing exploded and created everything.
• At some point, by chance, the right chemicals happened to float together at just the right moment to be struck by an electrical charge and become life.
• Somewhere two non-human mothers each gave birth to a human child. They were born at the same time and in the same place; one was male, and one was female. These two new “humans” were healthy, fertile, and attracted. They gave birth to the human race.
• One of the descendants of these first humans was born with a knowledge of right and wrong. No longer driven by instinct, this person suddenly began making decisions based on a morality for which there is no explanation.
You expect me to believe that? I am sorry. I do not operate on blind faith. It is too far-fetched to be anything more than a fairy tale. I cannot believe intelligent people claim it is science (cf. 1 Timothy 6:20).
I can believe that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1) without stretching my imagination into the realm of the impossible. The universe was created by an all-powerful, all-knowing God. That I can believe!
– by Phil Grear