Free Bible study!

Take It Home

If you stroll through most church buildings after the assembled crowd has dispersed, you are likely to find all manner of things left in the pews.  Kids’ toys, writing pads, coats and sweaters, and not a little trash. A general appeal to cleanliness and neatness is aways in order.

Among the things left behind are a couple of more troubling items:

Bibles — We wonder how Christians can make it through the week without their ‘swords’ (Eph. 6:17).  If you leave your Bible behind, you are ‘unarmed’ in the spiritual battle that surrounds us. Frequent and consistent Bible study are absolute necessities for those who want to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord” (2 Pet. 3:18).    By all means, when it comes to your Bible, TAKE IT HOME!  And, of course, use it on a daily basis.

Class papers — Very often we see the class materials of kids and adults left in the pews.  This is troubling in a least two ways.  First (especially for the younger students) it displays a lack of appreciation for the hard work that teachers have invested in the preparation of these teaching aids.  These could be used at home by parents who hope to re-enforce the lessons that the children learned in class (Eph. 6:4).  But, obviously, that can’t happen when they are left in the pew.  Second (and here we have in mind the older students and adults) when the study materials are left behind it is a guarantee that preparation for the next upcoming class will NOT happen.  This is a serious hinderance for the cause of learning and edification.  PLEASE take these home and use them for deeper and effective study.

Things left in the pews tell a tale.  What do they say about you?  Think!

– by Greg Gwin