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Want a Happy NEW Year? Take Time For God!

Have a Happy NEW Year! Let us all make it a really NEW…NOT just another year…not the same-ole sameole…but a really joyous and happy NEW (different, better) Year. Let us get rid of all the old baggage and junk holding us back and begin to truly run the Christian race with patience, Heb. 12:1-3.

How can this happen? We need to make new priorities and new habits to produce different results. “If you do what you’ve always done you will get what you always got.” Sad.

So let us change and put Jesus and His church first, see Matthew 6:33. Let us love the Lord our God with ALL our heart, soul and mind. Let us go to the Lord’s church where the Gospel is preached every Sunday, to Bible studies and even Wednesday nights!

Jesus Christ the Lord God, Titus 2:13, offers you a new and living way. Jesus makes all things new, II Cor. 5:21. After we are converted we rise out of a burial in baptism to walk in NEWNESS of life, see Romans 6:3-7. We have spiritually been born again!

Life as a true Christian is exciting, joy-filled and peaceful (meaning full of peace). We bless and CURSE NOT! See Romans 12:14 and Ephesians 4:22-32. Real Christians speak words of truth, kindness and love! Jesus said “by their fruits ye shall know them,” Matthew 7:20. When we walk in love and goodness then God’s mercies are new every day and every morning, Lam 3:22-23.

Starting with new habits we are looking forward to a great NEW year in 2023! We will take time to be holy and time for God and church and others. Jesus said, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them,” John 13:17.

by Ivy Conner