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Christ’s Embarrassing Questions

Questions are a wonderful way to teach. They make us stop and think and evaluate…and then COMMIT OURSELVES. Sales people are very good at this—you want that car in red or blue; you want 2 or 3 of these; etc.

God asks Job 40 questions he couldn’t answer and we cannot answer most, even today. We don’t like questions. We do not like to be tested…put on the spot.

Excuses and questions at the Judgment scene: Matt. 25:31-44, When saw we…? Excuses won’t work with Jesus!

Jesus, the Master Teacher, is one who asked great probing questions. He challenged the honesty and hypocrisy of the people.

1. Matt. 21:25-27 – Baptism of John—from heaven or of men? (an important subject that some deny, others ridicule and many avoid, but Jesus didn’t). Answer? From heaven? Then do it! From men? Doesn’t matter.

2. Matt. 16:13-19 – Who do MEN say that I am?

3. Matt. 16:15 – Who do YOU say that I AM? Savior, Redeemer, son of God (Thomas proclaimed my Lord and my God). Commitment question — Tie down…now do something!

4. Matt. 21:42-46 – Have ye never read in the scriptures? No? Yes? Why not?

5. John 6:66-68, 67 – Would you also go away? Thousands followed Jesus and then turned away from Him. Some threaten and some do quit the church and to do so is to quit the Lord. Where else would you go?

6. Matt. 16:24-26 – (A most embarrassing question). For what is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

7. John 8:44-46 – If I tell you the truth, why don’t you believe me?

8. An important question from Jesus, Lk. 6:46 – “WHY call me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?” Acknowledge His power and authority in your life. Do It! Do It Right! Do It Right Now!

by Ivy Conner