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John 13:3-5

I Peter 2:21, 22 reminds us of the Perfect example to follow in EVERY phase of life—right-side up, upside-down or sideways moments, follow Him.

Matt. 13:22, Luke 8:14 speaks about what can come between God & those He loves–riches, pleasures of life, and CARES

—-CARES: from a word that literally means to be drawn/pulled in different directions; dividing/fracturing a person into parts or pieces

How did Jesus face His so we can learn how to as well? John 13 gives several important ways of help:

  1. Jesus, KNOWING (comes from a word showing perfection, constant power; didn’t need revision or update)—-He understood PERFECTLY, long ago, God has a plan/will that has our best past, present and futures at heart.

Jesus KNEW it would be alright. He just needed to stay right with the Father. So must we……from TRUST & OBEY to TRUST & OKAY

  1. Jesus, KNOWING what the Father had given Him —-“all things into His hands”
  2. What has He given us to face ALL of life? Eph. 1:3-14; II Pet. 1:3 The real question is: How/Are we using what’s been given?
  1. Jesus, KNOWING where He came from…..the presence of His Father
    1. I John 5:1-3 We (His children) came from Him John 14:15-18…..WE ARE NOT BY OURSELVES

Heb. 13:5, 6

  1. II Cor. 1:3, 4…. Christian family (home) & church provide support thru ALL phases of life
  1. Jesus, KNOWING where He was headed…..HOME
    1. II Tim. 4:6-8; Rev. 2:10
    2. John 13:36-14:1-6
  2. Jesus, KNOWING how to leave this life: Leave them/it in the BEST shape possible: He spent His last moments serving. Of the multiplied millions of things He could have done on His last day on Earth, He washed feet and comforted hearts. Revisit how He spoke with Peter—John 13:36-14:6
    1. The idea of “How can I take this and do something better with it?”
    2. Perhaps what/who/how we focus on has a TREMENDOUS bearing on how we face our own “Gethsemane” moments
    3. He KNEW this was His final day here and did, not the NEXT right thing, but the BEST RIGHT THINGS. What are we doing with OURS?

Jim Harrison