Often, when in discussions about religious subjects, someone will respond to an argument by saying: “That’s just your opinion.” This typically indicates that the respondent does not have a good answer for the case that has just been presented, and they are trying to dismiss the force of the reasoning by simply labeling it as ‘opinion.’
Those who make this dismissive statement need to understand that it is their burden to prove that the matter under consideration is mere opinion. If there is no factual or real basis for the argument that has been made, then let them show this. But, if they cannot, then the facts in evidence must be accepted and acted upon. Unfortunately, this seldom happens.
On the other hand if a thing can be proven to be only human opinion there remain several options:
1. If you detect that someone is trying to bind their opinions on others, or trying to equate their personal opinions with the actual truth of God’s Word, then this must be immediately and forcefully opposed. When some were trying to force their view on circumcision, Paul said “we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you” (Galatians 2:5). We should do the same.
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2. Everyone who holds an opinion has a reason for doing so. If, as they explain their position, you become convinced that it is reasonable – even potentially helpful – you might decide to become of that same opinion. As long as no one elevates this to a matter of necessary doctrine, such opinions can, and sometimes do, serve a useful purpose.
3. Even if you are not persuaded of the other person’s opinion, you can agree to ‘dwell together peaceably’ if both you and he can agree that this properly belongs in the area of personal conviction. If no one is guilty of ‘despising his brother’ (Rom. 14:3) then both parties can continue to share the positive benefits of fellowship.
– by Greg Gwin