Can you say, “I drink alcoholic liquor because it makes me a stronger Christian.”? “A better husband.”? “A better wife.”? “A better mother or father.”? Can you say, “I drink because it helps me in deciding what’s right and wrong.”? Can you say, “I drink because it makes me a more effective teacher of God’s […]
How Men Act When They Repent
In Matthew 12:41, Jesus said, “The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.” According to Jesus, the men of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah. You remember the story, don’t you? God […]
SEVEN SORROWS OF THE CROSS – The Emotions Jesus Experienced In Connection With the Crucifixion
Jesus was a ‘man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” (Isaiah 53:3). The Garden of Gethsemane demonstrates Jesus was no impassive Stoic, but experienced extreme emotions (Matthew 26:38, Luke 22:41-44). Reviewing the gospels reveals at least seven dimensions of the sorrow he would have felt at his crucifixion. By considering the “Seven Sorrows of the […]
Resolutions Require Commitment!
A reportedly true story is told about a school principal who, at the end of the year, encouraged all his teachers to write out their resolution for the new year. He promised to post these on the faculty bulletin board so that all could benefit from them. When the resolutions were posted, all the teachers […]
What Needs Changing?
When you look into the mirror and your face appears dirty, it is your face, not the mirror that needs attention. The Bible is the mirror of the soul. It reveals our imperfections and shows us how to make corrections. However, some try to rework the Bible instead of reshaping their lives. Don’t make that […]
God Belongs In The Center
In the early chapters of Numbers, we are treated to a layout of the camp of Israel. Three tribes camped on the east side (2:1-9), three on the south (2:10-16), three on the west (2:18-24), and three on the north (2:25-30). In the center of the camp, the Levites were to set up the tabernacle […]
The End Is Better Than The Beginning
Ecclesiastes 7:8 “The end of a matter is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better haughtiness of spirit.” As we end another year, will you do anything differently this coming year? Same routines? Same schedules? Same habits? Same financial picture? Same spiritual picture? Same type of books read? Same friends to hang out […]
Winning People with Gentleness and Respect Colossians 3:12-14
Aretha Franklin sang the song, “What you want, honey, you got it. And what you need, baby you’ve got it. All I’m asking, is for a little respect when I come home.” The chorus says, “It’s what I want from you. Respect is what I need. Respect is what I want. Respect is what I […]
Being ‘Picky’
The classified section of most local newspapers has been replaced almost entirely by ‘online’ ads. For instance, the old ‘For Singles Only’ section in the newspaper has been traded for online dating services, but the concept is still primarily the same. Individuals looking for companionship by members of the opposite sex make their posts there. […]
Baptism and Blood
The blood of Jesus saves us from our sins: the blood was “shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). What does baptism have to do with the blood? Peter preached, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall […]